Cross-curricular topics

Reward Writstbands
5 designs for the following wristbands
-I lost a tooth
-Check my bag
-Phonic star
-I was brave
-I worked hard
-School photos tomorrow
-Ask me about this wristband
-Blank ones
-My teacher is proud

Christmas Challenges
16 challanges for children inreception or year one
Ideal for the writing table or as part of their morning work.

Bitmoji reward wristbands
5 designs for the following wristbands
-I lost a tooth
-Check my bag
-Phonic star
-I was brave
-I worked hard
-School photos tomorrow
-Ask me about this wristband
-Blank ones
-My teacher is proud

George and the dragon literacy plan
literacy plan aimed at reception
includes list of resources and directions for TA

Lost and found Literacy plan
5 Lessons and resources based on the book Lost and Found.
includes resources

Specs for Rex Literacy plan
5 literacy lessons based on the book Specs for Rex
Great for a reception class
5 lessons
suggestions for differentiation

Space topic Literacy plans
4 literacy plans (5 lessons each)
Each set of lessons are based on the following books
Aliens love underpants
Goodnight spaceman
The dinosaur that pooped a planet
The darkest Dark

Farm Literacy Plans
Little Red Hen
Old Macdonald heard a parp
Peep inside the farm
5 lessons based on each book

I will never not eat a tomato Literacy Plan
5 lessons based on the book I will never not eat a tomato
includes resources

Child friendly cooking recipes
Easy to read instructions
Simple recipes
Great to use in the classroom or home-schooling